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Hippotigre has surrounded itself with a team of specialists for the making of curtains and net curtains. In this section we offer you a guide which will guide you in the choice of your fabrics and your confections.

The dual-ride guide

The double curtains are the most common decor of our windows. They can also be used as part separation by making them reversible.


1. Some definitions

2. What fabric to choose ?

3. The main curtain heads

4. Paid or unlined

5. What floor finish for my double curtains ?

6. The measurement

1. Some definitions

The magnitude : this is the relationship between the total width of fabric required to make your double-handles and the width of your rod. The size may vary from 1.5 to 3 depending on the type of garment chosen.

The curtain head : it is the finish of the top of your curtains. This finish is of major importance because it often gives the tone to the piece: contemporary or classic. In addition, it is necessary to choose a finish adapted to the chosen fabric. The Hippotigre team is at your disposal to assist you in your approach.

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2. What fabric to choose ?

The choice of fabric for making your double curtains is an essential element in the decoration of your room.

Generally speaking, the brighter the chosen fabric, the more sophisticated tone is given to the piece.

The advice of Hippotigre

- For a contemporary note: opt for light or heavy lins, or cotton satins for a sophistication note

- For a traditional note: opt for satins, silks, cotton prints

After, in your room, everything is a dosing question. for example, if you have a lot of modern furniture, you can allow you to mix styles and opt for a very beautiful silk.

Conversely, to "break" a too traditional setting, you can opt for a very heavy linen with a modern curtain head.

It's up to you to play but give you the time for reflection. Choose several samples, let them "train" in your room several days to be able to represent your future double curtains. Do not hesitate to order "carrates", larger pieces or a small piece of fabric.

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3. The main curtain heads

We present in this section the most used head finishes.

Rideaux Tête à Plis Creux

The hollow fold

Definitely contemporary, the hollow fold is elegant by its purity and sobriety. Adopted by the majority of our clients, it requires a moderate scale.

Amplifier 1.5 to 2

Rideaux Tête à Plis Creux

Flemish fold

It is a traditional fold that crosses the epochs. In classic connotation it highlights any type of fabric. It can be either double or triple.

Amplifier 2 to 3

Rideaux Tête à Plis Plats

The flat fold

It is a traditional fold with a contemporary trend. He fits into all the scenery

Amplifier 1.8 to 2.3

Rideaux Tête à Plis orgue


It is a simple and very sleek fold. With a certain elegance, it fits perfectly in modern and contemporary decors.

Amplifier 1.5 to 2

Rideaux Tête à Oeillets

The eyelets

Definitely contemporary, the hollow fold is elegant by its purity and sobriety. Adopted by the majority of our clients, it requires a moderate scale.

Amplifier 1.8 to 2.3

Rideaux Tête Froncée

The fronce tete

It is a very simple garment that takes all its majesty with a large amount of fabric, which one will choose rather scary kind silk or taffetas.

Amplifier 2 to 3

4. Paid or unlined

Depending on the desired occultation for your piece, you will choose to double or not your curtains, with classic satinette (very fine cotton), finette (thick lining) or occulting fabric. Some materials may change directly if doubled. For example, the linen slightly loses its smoky side when doubled and takes a slightly sharper look. The silks lined with finette will take a heavy and rich fall.

For an even more refined finish, you can choose a taffeta as a lining, with a color matching your curtains.

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5. What floor finish for my double curtains ?

If you can, drop your curtains to the ground. Sometimes, for technical constraints, radiator, furniture, muds will lead to making shorter curtains.

For a clean fall, choose a fall to the ground. Take your measurement and remove 1cm on the length.

For a brittle and more contemporary fall, take into account the nature of the fabric chosen a 3/5 cm supplement for cotton-dwellings, 7/10 for satin-type heavy fabrics and 10/15cm for silks.

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6. Council for Action

Before we launch any garment, we need your dimensions. Follow the instructions below and you will not have a bad surprise!!!!!

The width measurement

It is simply the length of the rod

Measurement of the height of the curtains


Related Rail

Prise de mesure pour les double-rideaux avec le rail apparent
Click on the image to zoom

If you do not wish not hide the rails, take action underneath the ground rail.

Rail hidden

Prise de mesure pour les double-rideaux avec un rail caché
Click on the image to zoom

If you wish hide the rails, take action top of the rail on the ground.

Classical bar

Prise de mesure pour les double-rideaux avec une barre pour une confection tapissière ou froncée
Click on the image to zoom

For a head of rugged or rugged curtains you will take the measurement of below of the bar on the ground

Bar with eyelets

Prise de mesure pour les double-rideaux avec une barre, pour une confection à oeiilet
Click on the image to zoom

For a garment with Eyelets, you will take the measure top of the bar ground

Add the cassing height required to your height measurement. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubt.

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